Throwback to Bunny's Arrival at His Forever Home

Throwback to Bunny's Arrival at His Forever Home

Thanks, Evan, Kathy and bunny Mac! Evan writes:

Mac lived the first year of his life in a fish tank in a pet store, not the proper place for a little bunny! Eventually his previous owner bought him and named him Mac because the owner worked for Apple corporation. Mac’s owner lived at home with his parents, various other family members, 2 cats (who were afraid of Mac because he would chase them around) and a dog. After only 6 months a conclusion was reached that there were too many people and too many animals in the house, so since Mac was the last one to move in………..he had to go first. One of my co-workers was friends with the family and when she told me of Mac’s predicament I jumped on the opportunity to adopt him, as my beloved bunny Tyler recently had died and I missed having a pet bunny!

Kathy writes that this photo is from May 2015, on the day Mac came home.

How Bunnies Say Goodnight

How Bunnies Say Goodnight

Bunny Basks in the Adoration of All Those Kids

Bunny Basks in the Adoration of All Those Kids