Bunny Basks in the Adoration of All Those Kids

Bunny Basks in the Adoration of All Those Kids

Thanks, Dianne, Bruce, and bunny Cosmo! Dianne writes:

I would bring Cosmo to the preschool on special days to put smiles on the children's faces. I taught the music program for 2 to 5 year olds. We would put music on hold when Cosmo visited. He was such a delight for the children and everyone couldn't wait to see him. He turned into a bit of a celebrity (and I believe he knew it). He would hop from child to child in hopes of some petting and attention ! Everyone enjoyed Cosmo and he loved the children. A wonderful experience had by all.

Throwback to Bunny's Arrival at His Forever Home

Throwback to Bunny's Arrival at His Forever Home

Maybe It's Summer, Maybe She's Going to San Francisco

Maybe It's Summer, Maybe She's Going to San Francisco