Have the Missing Lugs Earloped?!

Have the Missing Lugs Earloped?!

Happy Bunday! Thanks, Liz and bunny Wee Moray! Liz writes:

Wee Moray Bun says he is delighted that Bunzi Bun is enjoying the full complement of lugs again and that all is not lost Zoomies Zoom-wise, he does have a question though, and it is this - is Bunzi Bun quite certain that he has been delivered the correct luggage*?

WM has a sense that although lugs have returned to him as hoped for, he may have an unexpected item in the luggage area**, & that he'd be very happy if his lugs would be kind enough to follow Mac Bun's advice at least from time to time.....

*,  **,  credits to Brian C, & to Francesca re.  DB dictionary item,  & the interloper lug concept.

(And credits to Liz for “earlope”!)

Are You in Front of a Green Screen, Bunny?

Are You in Front of a Green Screen, Bunny?

All the Lugs Went on Vacation

All the Lugs Went on Vacation