Never Mind, Bunny Likes Dill Again

Never Mind, Bunny Likes Dill Again

Thanks, Liz and bunny Wee Moray! Liz writes:

Wee Moray is away from the warren as he is house sitting for his aunt while some construction work is done; he can’t have free run like he’s used to at home, but he has consolation in: ~2 new blankies, 2 new boxes, more delicious meadow that at the warren (new types of forage and bigger plants not grazed  by anybun before him), &&& he has rediscovered his love of dill! He may be counting the days ‘til home time, but he’s content and is surely doing his duty as well as a bun could.

No Bunnies Here, Just Us Stuffies

No Bunnies Here, Just Us Stuffies

Human's Robe Is Preventing Bunny From Getting Properly Enchaired

Human's Robe Is Preventing Bunny From Getting Properly Enchaired