Everybun Likes to Rest Their Head on a Nice Pillow

Everybun Likes to Rest Their Head on a Nice Pillow

Happy Bunday! Thanks, Deb, Jac, kc, and bunny Harlow! Deb writes:

If you have never seen a rabbit using a pillow before- here ya go. She is a free bunny and can roam the house by day, but at bed time they go to their bedrooms. Bedtime is around 6:30. They put themselves to bed.

Tonight, Harlow is using a bunny shaped pillow. I love how her little paw is under it and her chin is over it. She did this all by herself.

P.S. Bubbles also has a peep toy, but it is invisible to him.

So Many Explores and Nibbles to be Had

So Many Explores and Nibbles to be Had

Those Feets, That Cotton Ball Tail

Those Feets, That Cotton Ball Tail