Well, Human? Are You Coming to Sit With Me or What?

Well, Human? Are You Coming to Sit With Me or What?

Thanks, Debs and bunny Dave! Debs writes:

Here’s little Dave waiting for cuddles in his chair.

I have not sent any pictures of Dave for a while because we have had a nasty health scare. As an indoor rabbit, away from exposure to other buns, I had not thought about him getting the e.Cuniculi infection as it is spread through rabbit urine. HOWEVER, I now know that a bunny can have picked it up early (from its mother or litter mates etc) and it can lie dormant in their system for years. I noticed dave was off his food one morning. By lunchtime one ear had started to droop, and a couple of hours later he became unstable on his feet and kept falling to one side.

I rushed him to our vet and he was diagnosed with e.Cuniculi - a fungal parasite that affects the nervous system and can cause kidney failure. Luckily we caught it early and treatment was effective and he recovered with no lasting disability. But this is not the case for many buns, who can be left severely physically debilitated. Importantly, it can be treated preventatively using a basic anti parasite rabbit wormer paste though (I was never told about this before!). I am keen to spread the word to other bunny owners… if you haven’t heard of e.Cuniculi then please look it up.

Bunny's Still Not Into This Whole Bonding Thing

Bunny's Still Not Into This Whole Bonding Thing

Bunny Has Really Made Herself at Home, Feet Up on the Sofa and All

Bunny Has Really Made Herself at Home, Feet Up on the Sofa and All