Bunnies Are Still Inseparable - But They'll Hang With the Dog and Guinea Pig, Too

Bunnies Are Still Inseparable - But They'll Hang With the Dog and Guinea Pig, Too

Thanks, Cécile, pup Rock, guinea pig Tino, and bunnies Amigo and Darling! Cécile writes:

La suite des aventures d'Amigo et Darling, toujours ensemble à présent. A tel point que je les appelle Bunny and Clyde !! Ils mangent, dorment, jouent à deux maintenant. Le cochon d'Inde, Tino, trouve que cela fait beaucoup de monde, mais tout le monde s'entend! Sous la surveillance de Rock bien sûr !

Bisous à tous les lapins !!

[The Daily Bunny’s translation: The continuation of the adventures of Amigo and Darling, always together now. To the point that I call them Bunny and Clyde! They eat, sleep, play together now. The guinea pig, Tino, finds that this is a lot of people, but everyone gets along! Under Rock’s supervision, of course!

Kisses to all the bunnies!]

You Eavesdropping on Us, Human?

You Eavesdropping on Us, Human?

Bunny Is Taken Aback by How Long It's Taking Human to Prepare His Greens

Bunny Is Taken Aback by How Long It's Taking Human to Prepare His Greens