Bunny and Human Spend Tea Time Together

Bunny and Human Spend Tea Time Together

Thanks, Debs and bunny Dave! Debs writes, “Little Dave likes to snooze upstairs in peace during the day, but at tea time I call him and his cheeky little face appears at the top of the stairs before he heads down to join me in the living room to play, have snuggles, and of course to get a treat (cavelo nero is his favourite!).”

Bunny Has His Own Water But He Also Likes Humans', As Well

Bunny Has His Own Water But He Also Likes Humans', As Well

You're Not Going to Pounce on My Tail, Are You, Bunny? Because That's Something I Would Do.

You're Not Going to Pounce on My Tail, Are You, Bunny? Because That's Something I Would Do.