From the Back of the Chair Bunny Sees All

From the Back of the Chair Bunny Sees All

Thanks, Cécile and bunny Amigo! Cécile writes, “Des nouvelles d'Amigo, qui veut toujours surveiller son territoire lorsque je fais le ménage. En roi de la maison, il se perche tout en haut du fauteuil. Il embrasse tous les lapins.”

[The Daily Bunny’s translation: “News from Amigo, who always likes to watch his territory while I clean. As king of the house, he perches on the very top of the armchair. He kisses all the bunnies.”]

Humans Are Furniture

Humans Are Furniture

Bunny Is About the Size of Two Human Hands

Bunny Is About the Size of Two Human Hands