You Will Be Missed, Sweet Bunny

You Will Be Missed, Sweet Bunny

Thanks, Kimberly and bunny Kusslak - Kimberly writes:

I have submitted our boi a few times in the past on the DailyBunny and it always brought a smile to my face to see him pop up on Tumblr like the little star we always told him he was.

I thought it was fitting to submit him one final time. It is with great sorrow that our beloved, fearless Kusslak has left us at the ripe age of 8 years old on the 26th of October. Completely blind and deaf but still full of love until the very end.

 He was the greatest bunny in our heart and always will be.

It WAS a Long Week, Wasn't It, Bunny?

It WAS a Long Week, Wasn't It, Bunny?

Bunny Sure Hopes You Voted Yesterday

Bunny Sure Hopes You Voted Yesterday