So Bonding Seems to Be Coming Along

So Bonding Seems to Be Coming Along

Thanks, Sydney and bunnies Arya Stark and Bunzilla! Sydney writes:

Here with an update about Arya and Bunzilla (that’s the name we went with because he is the cutest, tiniest monster around).

We are still working on bonding. They have been having living room bonding sessions every day and they have been going pretty well. They are still working through their dominance issues, but I am hopeful that we are getting places! They’re just so adorable together and I love them so much my heart could explode!

Bunny's Pal Will Watch Over Him During a Flop

Bunny's Pal Will Watch Over Him During a Flop

It Takes Me a While to Wake Up, Too, Bunny

It Takes Me a While to Wake Up, Too, Bunny