Your Bowl Doesn't Really Look Like It'd Make a Good Pillow, Bunny, But Okay

Your Bowl Doesn't Really Look Like It'd Make a Good Pillow, Bunny, But Okay

Your Bowl Doesn't Really Look Like It'd Make a Good Pillow, Bunny, But Okay

Thanks, David and bunny Bobby! David writes, “This is Bobby in his fortress (he has the run of the whole house but he feels safest in his open plan fortress), he decided to use his food bowl as a pillow, probably so he could be closer to food.”

Bunnies Get Ready for the Day - Breakfast, Grooming, and Good to Go!

Bunnies Get Ready for the Day - Breakfast, Grooming, and Good to Go!

Come Look at All This Cool Stuff Human Brought Us!

Come Look at All This Cool Stuff Human Brought Us!