Bunny Chills with His Bestie, the Feather Duster

Bunny Chills with His Bestie, the Feather Duster

Bunny Chills with His Bestie, the Feather Duster

Happy Bunday! Thanks, David and bunny Bobby! David writes, “Here is Bobby with his feather duster lover, he was really moulting in this photo so he looks scruffy. Bobby is still deeply devoted to Feather Duster and my mum has had to buy a new duster because Bobby's made it pretty clear who the orange duster belongs to.”

Don't Worry, Bunny, Just a Quick Trip to the Vet

Don't Worry, Bunny, Just a Quick Trip to the Vet

An Unexpected and Delightful Friendship

An Unexpected and Delightful Friendship