These Bunny Sisters Couldn't Be Closer

These Bunny Sisters Couldn't Be Closer

These Bunny Sisters Couldn't Be Closer 1
These Bunny Sisters Couldn't Be Closer 2
These Bunny Sisters Couldn't Be Closer 3

Thanks, Jerianne and bunnies Q-Tip, Acuna, and Stitch! Jerianne writes:

Here are 3 rescues I am fostering for the FurryTail Life Rabbit Rescue & Sanctuary in Scottsdale, Arizona. They were rescues from the same park on the same day and we’re pretty sure they are sisters. (We’re praying none of them are pregnant!) Q-Tip is the very large REW lying on top, Acuna is the smaller white bun underneath, and Stitch is the pretty little Rex grooming everyone else.

Anyway, I woke up this morning to this adorable display of family unity & contentment. And the song [“We Are Family”] popped into my head.

Bunny Gets a Human-Level Look at the Outdoors

Bunny Gets a Human-Level Look at the Outdoors

Of Course You're Cute, Bunny, But So Is That Bunny Bum Behind You

Of Course You're Cute, Bunny, But So Is That Bunny Bum Behind You