Bunny Prefers His Dinner Delivered Directly to His Litter Tray, Please

Bunny Prefers His Dinner Delivered Directly to His Litter Tray, Please

Bunny Prefers His Dinner Delivered Directly to His Litter Tray, Please

Thanks, An and bunny Charlie! An writes, “So here is a picture of Charlie, who is genuinely too lazy to move from his poop tray (which he wont poop in!) filled with hay to eat his fresh leaves, so I have to move his bowl nearer for him... I think he is slightly spoilt.”

Bunny Is a Little Pile of Sleepy Fur

Bunny Is a Little Pile of Sleepy Fur

This Bunny Doesn't Let Anything Get to Him

This Bunny Doesn't Let Anything Get to Him