What Bunnies Get Up to When Their Humans Are Out

What Bunnies Get Up to When Their Humans Are Out

Sure, it starts out sweet…

What Bunnies Get Up to When Their Humans Are Out 1
What Bunnies Get Up to When Their Humans Are Out 2

But then… *cue dramatic music*

What Bunnies Get Up to When Their Humans Are Out 3
What Bunnies Get Up to When Their Humans Are Out 4

Thanks, Julius! Julius writes:

I officially call the bunnies "inglorious bastards" due to the way they manage to keep giving my wife a heart attack. These are two results of what WILL happen when you are in a hurry in the morning and forget to do proper safety precautions before you go to work. The first one happened after I got a notification from my burglar alarm that a door suddenly opened, the second one was them getting "caught in the act" after I forgot to put the food container in a safe place. Both times we had to rush to work and forgot to properly lock the food away.

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