It's the Daily Bunny's Christmas 2020 Mega-Post! [Image-Heavy]
Thanks, Kathy, Evan, and bunny Mac!
Thanks, Christine and bunny Gizmo! Christine writes, “Gizmo is waiting for Santa under the tree.”
Thanks, Christine and bunny Sabina! Christine writes, “Sabina is very interested in the decorations on the tree.”
Thanks, Kristin and bunny Valentine! Kristin writes, “So Valentine looks all chill now, but it was just a day later when she decided to disconnect the lights at the bottom on the tree. I guess it was too bright down there. Human lesson learned.”
Thanks, Bruce and bunny Cosmo!
Thanks, Virginia and bunny Basil!
Thanks, Ken, Kaci, and bunny Matisse!
Thanks, Bethany and bunny Thor! Bethany writes, “Thor is very excited about Christmas.”
Thanks, Deb, Jac, KC, and bunny Harlow! Deb writes, “This is Harlow, or ‘Har-Zilla’ destroying a Nativity display. She just wanted to demonstrate that bunnies welcomed the baby, too.”
Thanks, Jason, Susana, and bunny Moki! Jason writes, “Here’s Moki wishing everybun a Merry Christmas!”
Thanks, Debs and bunny Dave! Debs writes, “Little Dave is waiting under the Christmas tree for Santa Claus to come and visit!!”
Thanks, Tonya and bunny Shadow!
Thanks, Tony and Milo! Tony writes, “Milo [is] enjoying Christmas.”
Merry Christmas to all those that celebrate! And to those who don’t, have a healthy and happy season and new year!