You're Safe Now, Little Bunny

You're Safe Now, Little Bunny

You're Safe Now, Little Bunny

Happy Bunday! Thanks, Jerianne and bunny Annie! Jerianne writes:

I got a call [recently] from the Furrytails Life Rabbit Rescue. This little girl had been dropped at a park about 10 miles from my home. I grabbed my carrier and large kennel and met 3 other volunteers Julia, Ken and Lisa at the park. After about 45 minutes of chasing in the dark and cold with only cell phones for light, Ken was able to catch her. I am calling her Annie (for little orphan Annie) for now. Her furever home will give her a furever name. She will be examined by a vet and spayed if necessary before offered for adoption. She has no idea how much her life just improved, but I am grateful to be a small part of it.

If you are looking for a worthwhile charity to donate to; the Furrytails Life Rabbit Rescue in Scottsdale Arizona is a 501(c) 3 charity that has rescued and cares for 150 to 200 abandoned bunnies. Please consider naming them your “charity of choice” through the Amazon Smile program. It’s a great program that donates .05% of Amazon qualifying purchases to the charity you name.

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Just a Couple of Best Buds Hanging Out Together

There Has to Be an Easier Way of Getting at That Hay, Bunny

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