Bunny Guards His Hay from Nibblers, Even When He's Tired

Bunny Guards His Hay from Nibblers, Even When He's Tired

Bunny Guards His Hay from Nibblers, Even When He's Tired

Thanks, Ceara and bunny Oscar! Ceara writes:

Oscar Bunny likes nothing more than to eat hay.  And grass.  And biscuits (of the rabbit variety).  But all that eating for one so small causes him to get quite tired.

But even when he gets tired, he'll guard his hay from everyone ;-)

This little ball of fluff is the most characterful bunny ever.  He is now 5 and a half and loving life!  He lives in the beautiful Lake District and is constantly bemused by the regular visitors to the garden of sheep, pheasants and the occasional shrew.

How Long Will All That Hay Last You, Bunny?

How Long Will All That Hay Last You, Bunny?

Bunny Is a Princess - See, She's Even Got a Tiara!

Bunny Is a Princess - See, She's Even Got a Tiara!