Little Bunny Stands Up Tall for a Photo

Little Bunny Stands Up Tall for a Photo

Little Bunny Stands Up Tall for a Photo

Regular readers will remember this post about bunny Lilly, whose devoted human, Ingrid, did so much to help Lilly have a happy life despite her E. cuniculi. Ingrid wrote with some sad news about Lilly:

Today I write you with the sad message that Lilly passed away on February 4th. Her body was giving up, but her spirit wasn't. She got wounds on her paws from laying down all day. And because her blood circulation was getting worse, she got wounds on her toes and ears. The EC also started to affect her eyes and although she was still eating and cleaning her front paws, it wasn't fair to keep her alive any longer. So last Sunday we decided to put her down and give her peace.

I've never met a rabbit with such a strong spirit as Lilly had, she kept on fighting. But it wasn't a fair fight and now she can rest, she deserved it. We will all miss her very much and will never forget her, our strong little Lilly.

I found Ingrid's dedication to Lilly so touching, and my thoughts go out to her in this time of grief.

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