Bunnies Have Unorthodox Cuddling Styles — The Daily Bunny

Bunnies Have Unorthodox Cuddling Styles

Bunnies Have Unorthodox Cuddling Styles 1 Bunnies Have Unorthodox Cuddling Styles 2

Thanks, Bri and bunnies Benny and Nala! Bri writes, "My female Lionhead, Nala, flopped and put her paw around my male Hotot, Benny, and this stuff of bun mum dreams happened. 😍  I've snapped a picture or two of Benny with his leg around Nalie but never her with a paw around him until now."

Place the Treat Riiight There, Right in My Mouth, Human

Bunny Can Appreciate a Nice Atmosphere