Bunny Brings His Plush Friend Around with Him

Bunny Brings His Plush Friend Around with Him 1 Thanks, Jeanne and bunny CBers! Jeanne writes:

CBers was adopted as adult male at local shelter two and half years ago. He really has big personality. CBers loves being petted but not picked up. His full name is Country Bunny but he agrees with the saying "call me anything but late for dinner." He has access to hay 24/7 but you can set a clock by the time he stands at his pellet bowl. [This] photo includes girlfriend (that's her name). He moves her from room to room. It is sweet.

And here is CBers bringing Girlfriend to visit the dog:

Bunny Brings His Plush Friend Around with Him 2

If I Fits, I Sits

I Don't Know What Those Are, Human, But I'm Intrigued