Bunnies Enjoy a Lazy Day with Their Dog Friend

Bunnies Enjoy a Lazy Day with Their Dog Friend 1

Bunnies Enjoy a Lazy Day with Their Dog Friend 2

Bunnies Enjoy a Lazy Day with Their Dog Friend 3

Bunnies Enjoy a Lazy Day with Their Dog Friend 4

Thanks, Becca, pup Empress Pieface, and bunnies Tasty Soup and Casserole! Becca writes:

Tasty Soup (grey and white) and Casserole (lop) spending some time with their adoptive Mum Empress Pieface. My favourite is where both Pie and Tasty Soup heard the postman arrive, looking towards the door at the same time.

When Pie joined us a little over a year ago, she seemed to adopt both of the rabbits as though puppies. Under our close supervision (obviously) she loves spending time with them and always keeps a close eye to ensure they're OK. They've sort of just accepted the situation and bounce on and sniff her a lot, happily putting up with all the eye, ear, and bum checks dogs tend to do with their pups!

Bunnies Enjoy a Lazy Day with Their Dog Friend 5

Bunny Heads to the Herb Garden When He's in the Mood for a Fresh Nibble

Bunny's Dog Friend Makes a Very Comfy Cushion