Silly Human, Bunny's New Litter Box Is for Napping In

Silly Human, Bunny's New Litter Box Is for Napping In Thanks, Veronica, Stefanie, and bunny Elfriede! Stefanie writes, "Our Bunny Friedi (Elfriede) has a new bowl. We thought to use it for 'peepee education', but Friedi still prefer to pee on her blankets and use the bowl for sitting and sleeping! :D Always fun with her!"

[Ed.'s note: I don't know what litter is shown in the above photo, but here's just a quick reminder that bunny owners should avoid using softwood shavings for litter, as they can create medical problems in rabbits. Read more here.]

Bunny Knows How to Maximize Her Time in the Sun

Four Bunnies Relax Side-by-Side