Thanks, Alice and bunnies Trogdor and Bunisher!
Thanks, Kristy and bunny Lola!
Thanks, Allie and bunny-inspiration Jameson!
Thanks, Diane and bunny Pudge!
Thanks, Emily and bunny Tater Tot!
Thanks, Mickie!
Thanks, Sarah and bunny Stormy!
Thanks, Annie!
Thanks, Chris and bunny Bernard!
Another of Bernard (or Bram Stoker's Bunferato) from Vincent!
Thanks, Art and bunny Rabbit!
Thanks again to Kristy and bunny Lola!
Thanks, Kris and bunny Galen!
* * * * *
Ed.'s note: I made an editorial decision not to include every Halloween submission in this post. Specifically, I chose not to include photos involving wraparound costumes or in which the bunny looks stressed. Thank you to those submitters for understanding, and thanks again to everyone for their submissions!