Last month, we told you about Daily Bunny followers Craig and Larissa's fundraiser to benefit Bunnyluv Rabbit Resource Center in L.A. We are pleased to report the fundraiser was a big success! Here's Craig's update:
The Daily Bunny community truly made a difference... We wound up selling hundreds of shirts, with us being able to donate $2000 to BunnyLuv to help abandoned and abused buns!
We're in the process of shipping out orders now, and most people should have their orders at least on the way to them this coming week. It's just my wife and I packaging and mailing hundreds of shirts, but everyone has been graciously patient with us so far.
There's still a high demand for the shirts, so once we get all these orders out we're planning on taking more in August. Even more buns will be helped!
If you'd like to be notified when shirts are on sale again in August, email Craig at craigchurch [dot] film [at] gmail [dot] com. Thanks to everyone who helped out!
Update August 14, 2013: Craig and Larissa have raised another $1,000 for BunnyLuv with their second round of sales! Thanks again to everyone for your support!