Bunny Supervises His Humans' Choice of Pumpkins and Peruses the Hay Selection

Bunny Supervises His Humans' Choice of Pumpkins and Peruses the Hay Selection 1 Bunny Supervises His Humans' Choice of Pumpkins and Peruses the Hay Selection 2

Bunny Supervises His Humans' Choice of Pumpkins and Peruses the Hay Selection 3

Bunny Supervises His Humans' Choice of Pumpkins and Peruses the Hay Selection 4

Happy Bunday! Thanks, Laura and bunny Sir Floppity! Laura writes that Sir Floppity (Flop for short) is "sniffing out smaller pumpkins, double checking, and then confirming that we picked out the proper pumpkins.  Along with one of him checking out the hay bales the farm was selling."

Bunny Melts Right into the Carpet

The Daily Bunny’s Halloween 2014 Mega-Post - Part Two!